Thursday, January 28, 2010

Point Counterpoint: Lesser Healing Wave vs. Healing Wave

Lesser Healing Wave is Superior,
by Lesser Healing Wave

Hi, I'm Lesser Healing Wave, the spell you've been using since you were level 20. Remember getting overwhelmed by mobs and needing a quick heal to save your life? I do, and I think his name was Lesser Healing Wave! Once you saw how effective in combat I could be, you moved me to your cast bar and sent Healing Wave packing.

Despite saving your life multiple times on the way to 80 (you're welcome), I want to talk to you today about two important things: First, why I am the best raid heal ever. Second, how Healing Wave is a mana-guzzling, overhealing whore.

Did you know I even have my own major glyph? I do, it's awesome, and it means you can answer 'YES' when someone asks you if you can tank heal.

Look at my cast time! 1.5 seconds. It took you longer to read this sentence, than to cast me, and that's why I am awesome. Big burst (read:fast) damage requires responsive heals, and it doesn't get much faster than me. If you cast Healing Wave exclusively, there's a good chance by the time the heal hits the tank, he's already face down.

Then you're using Ancestral Awakening, which we might as well rename 'Healing Wave Fail'.

Once you've got me glyphed, a tank protected by Earth Shield gets an additional 25% healing, on top of the 25% increase in crit from Tidal Waves. Altogether, you're getting more healing and less overhealing, because you’re tossing out responsive, critical heals on the tank and can switch targets if you max out their life bar.

Just like Enhancement Shaman prefer two weapons instead of one, it's preferable to cast two heals in the time it takes to cast one because of Ancestral Awakening. When we crit, which is a lot, Ancestral Awakening seeks out the player with the lowest health and places a hot on him. It's two heals for the price of one!

I know Healing Wave is going to blather on about efficiency, but try this experiment: drop your raiding totems and see how long you can cast Healing Wave before you're out of mana. Faster than you can say 'Promised Pony' you're hitting the mana bottle, and that's just no way to live your life. Now try it with me, Lesser Healing Wave. See, you can cast me all night.

Bigger isn't always better, so when you're raiding, use the best tool in your belt: Lesser Healing Wave

There is a Reason its called Lesser,
by Healing Wave.

When I'm done with this post, I'm going to track down that treacherous little spell-troll and use my giant green hand to slap the taste from his little bitch mouth. How dare that underpowered excuse for a heal come on here and slander the good name of Healing Wave.

Friends, Healing Wave the Lesser is like an enthusiastic poodle yipping at the heels of a Worgen; he’s just not big enough to get the job done. I had a higher base heal than his max rank back when you were level 60! The best he can do at 80 is exactly what I could do for you two expansions ago.

I have a major glyph too. It stinks, never use it outside of PvP.

Anyway, I have been with you from Level 1, consistently providing you with enough healing to get the job done right. That mana-stealing parasite sacrifices raw power for speed and inefficiency. Just like it's not cheaper to buy Stormstout by the mug than by the keg, it is not more efficient to cast Lesser Healing Wave than Healing Wave.

I am the keg of heals.

My full name is 'Greater Healing Wave the XIV', but I shortened it to 'Healing Wave' because being called 'Greater' is a bit pretentious...but the fact remains that if you need a big heal to save the life of the tank, I'm your prime time player. When Tidal Waves are rolling, my cast time drops to 2.10 seconds, only .60 slower than Healing Wave the Lesser. Yet when I hit, I easily triple up a lesser healing wave. Do the math: 40% slower yet 300% better.

That two-bit spell mentioned Ancestral Awakening, but AA heals a percentage of the original heal, so it actually means something when it comes from me. If you can't compete with a max rank Lifeblood, it's time to hang it up. (LHW, ahem)

If you want to be considered a big boy healer, you need to use a big boy spell. LHW is the catapult to my Siege, the Anduin to my Varian, the Fizzlebang to my Jaraxxus! Remember, when you’re in Icecrown and don’t want to kill your tank, cast Healing Wave, for the win.

So readers, what do YOU think? Who makes the better point? Lesser Healing Wave or Healing Wave?

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